Damian announces his support for Teresa May in the leadership contest for the Conservative Party.
Why I support Theresa May
"As we embark on negotiating a new relationship with our nearest neighbours and biggest trading partners, we need strong leadership, attention to detail and a resolute approach. I believe Theresa May is the best placed candidate to secure the best future outcome for our country.
"On the EU, the British people have spoken and Parliament must execute the people's will. But there are many subsidiary questions to address. Leaving the EU brings opportunities but it also carries risks; the task now is to maximise the former and minimise the latter. Mrs May has proven repeatedly her ability to work cooperatively but negotiate determinedly.
"The reforming zeal the Home Secretary showed in bringing to law the first ever Modern Slavery Act bodes well for the drive she can bring to further social reform to improve life chances and realise, as she put it, “a vision of a country that works not for a privileged few but for every one of us”. This One Nation agenda is now more important than ever.
"The fundamentals of the British economy are strong. Employment is at an historic high, the financial system well-capitalised and resilient. But we now enter a challenging period. We need a party leader and Prime Minister of experience, ready for the task at hand from day one. We need a leader who sets out a clear plan and around whom all can unite. And we need a leader who has a broad and compelling vision for our nation, of a fair and cohesive society underpinned by a strong economy. I believe that leader is Theresa May."