Supporting our farmers

Farming remains an important part of life here in East Hampshire, both in terms of the local economy but also the contribution to local communities. I maintain regular contact with the local NFU team and local farmers to discuss the issues that impact them and the sector more widely.  I met them most recently in May 2024. 

According to the local NFU team, more than 75,000 acres across East Hampshire is farmed, employing more than 1,000 people. The predominant sectors are cattle, sheep and crops.

Sheep worrying

Attacks on livestock is a significant issue for farmers across the country, and, beyond the emotional impact, it can have substantial financial consequences for their businesses.

And with the rise in dog ownership during the pandemic, there is a need for people to be more aware of how and when to control their dogs when accessing farmland. The Countryside Code provides important guidance for the general public.



Rural Crime

Break ins and vehicle loss remains an on-going issue within rural communities like East Hampshire, and Damian takes part in Hampshire Constabulary's Rural Crime Tactical Board to represent the interests of local residents, alongside other key local stakeholders.

Although crimes should always be reported to the police via the 101 service, the Hampshire Alert initiative is another way for local people to exchange information with the police, to help detect and prevent crime and anti-social behaviour.



Respect, Protect, Enjoy – the renewed Countryside Code

This article was written by Damian and published in this week's Petersfield Post and Herald editions: "Getting outside has been such an important part of our lives this past year, with many more out walking, running and cycling as other sports and pursuits were curtailed.