East Hampshire Citizens Advice:
For free, impartial, confidential advice on 0300 3309 028 or www.citizensadvice.org.uk
Financial advice:
Turn2us is a national charity that provides practical information and support to people facing financial crisis. On their website turn2us.org.uk you fill find a Benefits Calculator so that people can work out what they are eligible for, a Grants Search which contains over 1,700 charitable grants searchable by profession, health condition, location and age, and Information pages on benefits and grants (including additional rights due to coronavirus)
They also offer a helpline at 0808 802 2000 (Mon-Fri 9:00-17:30)
HMRC Tax helpline: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/tax-helpline-to-support-businesses-affected-by-coronavirus-covid-19
FSB: https://www.fsb.org.uk/campaign/covid19
Association of Independent Professionals and Self Employed: https://www.ipse.co.uk/coronavirus-hub.html
UK Finance: https://www.ukfinance.org.uk/policy-and-guidance/guidance/let’s-talk-business-covid-19
Consumer advice:
Fraud: https://takefive-stopfraud.org.uk/
Which?: https://www.which.co.uk/news/coronavirus/
For help finding insurance, please use the BIBA Find Insurance Service on 0370 950 1790 or https://www.biba.org.uk/find-insurance/