www.direct.gov.uk - The official government website, a 'one stop shop' for all enquiries relating to government services.
www.parliament.uk - Official website which offers information about the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
www.citizensadvice.org.uk - The Citizens Advice service helps people resolve legal, money and other problems by providing free, independent and confidential advice.
www.jobseekers.direct.gov.uk - Hundreds of new jobs are advertisied here each week for you to search through.
www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk - NHS Direct health advice and information service allows you to check your symptoms online and find out how to get trusted information on conditions.
www.crimestoppers-uk.org - Website for the Crimestoppers Trust that operates the 0800 555 111 hotline, this can be used to pass on information about crime anonymously.
www.warmfront.co.uk - The Warm Front scheme installs insulation and heating improvements to make homes more energy efficient.
www.consumerdirect.gov.uk - Advice on consumers rights and the scams to avoid.
Stop! Think Fraud - How to stay safe from scams (stopthinkfraud.campaign.gov.uk) - The government's fraud awareness campaign.